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Norwich City Centre Holds a Candlelit Vigil for Local Farm Animals

It was such an uncharacteristically warm evening for late October that I arrived at Norfolk and Suffolk Animal Save‘s first ‘Candlelit Vigil’ in only a t-shirt. Most of the usual faces I have come to know well over the past year whilst standing outside slaughterhouses were in attendance. Soft music played from a bluetooth speaker […]

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Why I Don’t Eat Backyard Hen Eggs (And It’s Not The Reason You’d Think)

When I saw the headline “10,000 Hens in Norfolk Needing Homes Before 29th June” back in 2009 on the Sky News website I was an avid meat eater. Nevertheless, I read on to discover 29th June was in fact their slaughter date and those that weren’t rehomed as pets would be killed for cheap pies […]

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The Vegans Who Stand Outside Slaughterhouses

I thought long and hard about it before I went to my very first slaughterhouse vigil, otherwise known as an ‘Animal Save‘. Would it be helpful for animal rights? Would it be detrimental to the animals in the trucks? Would it make my activism better or worse in the future? Would it negatively effect my […]

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URGENT APPEAL: Violent Robbery Threatens The Future of Little Hen Rescue

In the early hours of Friday 15th August three masked men broke into the animal rescue centre in Norfolk, England where Toby Chaplin was staying as a night watchman. They bound the 23 year old with parcel tape and beat him while ransacking the caravan Mr Chaplin was sleeping in as well as the main […]

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Hen Rescue

A couple of weeks ago I took a trip down to Watton, Norfolk with Paul (Hench Herbivore), Gemma (Finding Gemma), Penny (Founder of Norwich Vegans) and Vegan Revolution to collect twelve ex-commercial hens that were to be rescued by a volunteer from the non-profit organisation Fresh Start For Hens that same day. Commercially, all laying hens […]

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Justice for The Hens of the M62 Crash

You may have heard on the news recently that on 14th May 2014, over 1,000 chickens were killed when the lorry transporting them crashed into a safety barrier on the M62 in Greater Manchester. The lorry was carrying 6,800 chickens when it crashed on the eastbound carriageway between junctions 11 and 12 at about 4am. Louise […]

Out of Battery

Every so often I commission an artist to paint battery hens either during or after their time at the farm. The painting below was perfectly created by the ever-inspirational artist Ejay Basford and will be framed as a reminder as to where my own hens come from and, despite everything, how determined they are to really live. BATTERY […]

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