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How I Realised That Being a ‘Meat-Eating Animal Lover’ was an Oxymoron and Went Vegan

I was five years old when my teacher told me it was wrong to eat McDonald’s. I can’t remember what she said word for word, but it was enough for me to go home and tell my mother I didn’t want to eat animals anymore. Knowing what an effort it was to get me to […]

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Norwich City Centre Holds a Candlelit Vigil for Local Farm Animals

It was such an uncharacteristically warm evening for late October that I arrived at Norfolk and Suffolk Animal Save‘s first ‘Candlelit Vigil’ in only a t-shirt. Most of the usual faces I have come to know well over the past year whilst standing outside slaughterhouses were in attendance. Soft music played from a bluetooth speaker […]

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Top 5 Tips for New Vegans!

With over 100,000 people signing up to Veganuary and counting, veganism is set to start going mainstream in 2018. And with so many new and aspiring vegans out there, I thought I should offer up a few words of advice that helped me in the beginning. There’s also a chance to WIN a huge hamper […]

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Vegan Tuck Box Review

I have no idea who invented the concept of a monthly box delivery of random goodies, but whoever it was I’d like to shake their hand. I’ve had subscriptions to various ones throughout the years but stopped when I became vegan for obvious reasons. Thankfully a few people recently discovered this gap in the market […]

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Why I Don’t Eat Backyard Hen Eggs (And It’s Not The Reason You’d Think)

When I saw the headline “10,000 Hens in Norfolk Needing Homes Before 29th June” back in 2009 on the Sky News website I was an avid meat eater. Nevertheless, I read on to discover 29th June was in fact their slaughter date and those that weren’t rehomed as pets would be killed for cheap pies […]

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The Vegans Who Stand Outside Slaughterhouses

I thought long and hard about it before I went to my very first slaughterhouse vigil, otherwise known as an ‘Animal Save‘. Would it be helpful for animal rights? Would it be detrimental to the animals in the trucks? Would it make my activism better or worse in the future? Would it negatively effect my […]

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Norwich-Themed Vegan Goodie Giveaway!

It’s no secret that Anticarnist hails from Norwich in England. And it wouldn’t be an outrageous thing to say that over the past couple of years that the city has had a vegan overhaul of sorts. With Norwich Vegans evolving from a group that meets once a month to chat and share snacks to an […]

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The Official Animal Rights March 2017

In October 2016 Surge hosted the first Official Animal Rights March where 2,500 vegans marched through London demanding an end to all animal oppression. People shouted in unison to beating drums and megaphones, holding signs and coming together to create a spectacle that no one could ignore. Surge now have announced the 2017 Official Animal Rights […]

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Anonymous For The Voiceless in Norwich

On Saturday afternoon, local vegan activists in Norwich began the city’s very first ‘Anonymous for The Voiceless’ demonstration – a ‘direct action’ method of activism inspired by the now widely-established Earthlings Experience in which blank-masked people hold signs and devices showing the documentary Earthlings with the aim that passers-by are then able to make informed consumer choices […]

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Anticarnist at Brighton VegFestUK THIS WEEKEND

We’re pleased to announce that Anticarnist will be trading at Brighton VegfestUK on 11th and 12th March! You can find us at stall number K2 on the first floor on the corner near Happy Maki.   Since the very first show in 2003, VegfestUK has welcomed a growing number of vegans, veggies, omnis, pescetarians, reducetarians, flexitarians […]

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Violife Vegan Halloumi? About Time!

BIG NEWS GUYS! So how long were you Americans going to keep this one secret eh? UK charity Viva! just posted the following to their Facebook page: I can’t wait until the morning to share this with you all but I do believe we may soon be getting Violife Halloumi in the UK, how amazing […]

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So You Want To Be a Vegan Activist? Here’s How…

You’ve seen on YouTube of what animal go through in slaughterhouses. You’ve had a loved one die from heart disease and you’ve heard that animal agriculture is the leading cause of man made greenhouse gasses. You’re vegan because that’s the least you can do. But you want to do more to help. You want to know […]

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