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Norwich City Centre Holds a Candlelit Vigil for Local Farm Animals

It was such an uncharacteristically warm evening for late October that I arrived at Norfolk and Suffolk Animal Save‘s first ‘Candlelit Vigil’ in only a t-shirt. Most of the usual faces I have come to know well over the past year whilst standing outside slaughterhouses were in attendance. Soft music played from a bluetooth speaker […]

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The Vegans Who Stand Outside Slaughterhouses

I thought long and hard about it before I went to my very first slaughterhouse vigil, otherwise known as an ‘Animal Save‘. Would it be helpful for animal rights? Would it be detrimental to the animals in the trucks? Would it make my activism better or worse in the future? Would it negatively effect my […]

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Fanmail Part 1: The Animal Holocaust & Making The Connection

  An anonymous email sent to regarding the above image: I know this a bit late but I want to let you know that this [tweet] was the one that made the click in my head. I’m glad I found this image because I’ve been vegan for three days now thanks to this and the […]

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11 Facts About Factory Farming

  1. A factory farm is a large-scale industrial operation that houses thousands of animals raised for food—such as chickens, turkeys, cows, and pigs—and treats them with hormones and antibiotics to prevent disease and maximize their growth and food output. 2. Animals are fed and sprayed with huge amounts of pesticides and antibiotics, which can […]

These Little Piggies Didn’t Go To Market

You could be forgiven for wondering if there might be some kind of coordinated mass escape plan in the pig world this week as two very similar stories have made it into national news. Though judging by the style of vehicle some areas of the world use to transport their livestock, I wouldn’t be surprised if hogs make […]

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‘Diseased meat could go undetected’ due to new inspection rules

In light of an increased risk of infected pork, the European Food Safety Authority (an agency funded by the EU, who follows scientific advice from the Food Standards Agency), has perhaps rather ironically supported new regulations which are considered by many meat inspectors to be a backwards step in the industry. Before 1st June 2014, […]

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